Saturday 15 March 2025
French bonds Bubble, management strategy of the French Treasury Agency, inflation risk for long-term bondholders, Cyril Regnat, interest rate strategist at Natixis answers to Next Finance questions ...
The evolution of public sector debt depends on a number of economic variables and how they interact. Within the Eurozone, German and French debt looks sustainable while Italy, Portugal and Ireland appear borderline.
According to John Gilbert, CIO of the Berkshire Hathaway’s subsidiary General Re-New England AM, French 10-year bonds should yield between 4.5% and 5%, closer to Italian and Spanish bonds rather than German ones. However, This opinion is not shared by the majority of the fund managers interviewed ...
Mega companies are bigger than most countries. Quite a few pharma, food, oil and tech companies reach annual revenues of over $50 bln, exceeding the GDP levels of more than 2/3 of the countries in the world. Unusually, these mega companies have performed better than the broad equity markets in the past 12 months.
If regulators think the Facebook IPO was a scandal, they should look at the German government bond market...