Thursday 13 March 2025
A record one-month jump in net % of investors indicating they have taken out protection against a sharp fall in equity markets in the next 3 months, at net -30% in February from net -50% in January
According to BofA Merrill Lynch, Investors are bullish on bond yields, with 82% of those surveyed indicating they expect bond yields to rise in the next 12 months and a record net 85% saying bonds are overvalued...
According to BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research, average cash balance continues to be a key element preventing a sell signal, dipping to 4.8% in September but still above the past 10-year average of 4.5%
According to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, with rates vol remaining at low levels, and rates uncertainty contained, investors reached for yield. Credit spreads will keep squeezing tighter, as long as these inflows continue.
According to Bank of America, Biggest inflow to active equity funds in 2.5 years, Private client cash falls to record low as % of assets and Icarus continues in absence of Obamacare-payroll/Occupy Silicon Valley negatives...