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Paris Europlace

Friday 14 March 2025

Paris EUROPLACE was created by the major representative institutions of the Paris financial market: AFECEI (The French Association of Credit Institutions and Investment Firms), Banque de France, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (State bank receiving government and savings bank deposits and a major investor), Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie de Paris (Paris Chamber of Commerce), Conseil Régional d’Ile de France (the Legislative Council for the Ile-de-France region, in which Paris is located), Euronext Paris, Euroclear (ex-Sicovam), City of Paris.

The membership of the Association today includes more than 150 different entities that operate in the financial field. One of the key characteristics of Paris EUROPLACE is that it brings together a large number of actors in the financial industry, including issuers as well as banks, brokerage houses, asset management firms, professional associations, consulting firms, law firms and accounting firms, etc. Through its close working relationship and contacts with the most senior levels of French/European authorities and businesses, Paris EUROPLACE offers its members networking opportunities with those who influence and make decisions.

Paris EUROPLACE undertakes four major activities to promote and develop the Paris financial market.
- International Promotion
- Reforms and Action Programs
- Lobbying in France
- Lobbying at European Level
