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CalPERS Launches Search for Chief Investment Officer

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) seeks an experienced investment professional for the role of Chief Investment Officer (CIO) to lead and manage its 400-plus person Investment Office...

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) seeks an experienced investment professional for the role of Chief Investment Officer (CIO) to lead and manage its 400-plus person Investment Office, which invests CalPERS $285 billion in assets across a diversified global portfolio in public and private equity, fixed income, real estate and inflation-linked assets.

The CIO is responsible for developing prudent, forward-thinking investment strategies in accordance with CalPERS fiduciary responsibilities, policies and corporate governance standards. The CalPERS CIO is a leader within the CalPERS organization, in the investment and public pension industries and before various regulatory and governmental bodies.

The person in this position must be a strategic investment thinker, demonstrate a deep understanding of asset allocation, have a strong commitment to prudent risk management and be an outstanding leader for a dynamic team of investment professionals.

CalPERS retained the recruitment firm of Korn/Ferry International to conduct the global search. Interested applicants may contact:

Korn/Ferry International C/O Michael Kennedy, Senior Client Partner 1201 West Peachtree, NW, Suite 2500 Atlanta, GA 30309

A full description of the CIO opportunity, including desirable characteristics and specific qualifications of applicants, will be available May 27, 2014, on the CalPERS website.

Next Finance May 2014


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