"We are delighted that Catella Nordic Long Short Equity has won this award against tough competition. Our overall aim is to generate excess returns for our unitholders through a clear focus and excellent fundamental knowledge of the Nordic markets. The accolade is proof that we have succeeded in creating added value in the market," says Erik Kjellgren, who heads Catella’s Swedish fund operations.
"We are humbled and grateful to receive this award. Our objective for the fund is to generate attractive risk-adjusted absolute returns, regardless of market conditions, through good stock selection and sound risk management. The success of the fund management during the period stems from going long in cyclicals on the basis of our fundamental analysis, which at the time were very attractively valued. We also shorted overpriced quality companies, a positioning that benefitted the performance of the fund as well," say the fund’s managers Martin Nilsson and Ola Mårtensson.
Since 2004, The Hedge Fund Journal has conducted in-depth analysis spanning the entire spectrum of hedge fund strategies. Each year, The Hedge Fund Journal Awards nominate European fund managers that have stood out and have achieved good risk-adjusted absolute returns in a number of categories.