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Goldman Sachs promotes 321 employees

A record number of Goldman Sachs employees have been promoted managing director this year....

Article also available in : English EN | français FR

According to Bloomberg, 321 employees became managing director in 2010 against 259 in 2008 and 272 last year.

According to Lucas van Praag, a spokesman for Goldman Sachs, women represent 24 percent of the employees promoted managing director this year, against 19 percent female managing director in the whole bank.

More generally, this promotion will allow the lucky ones to benefit from a much bigger package in the wake of the new regulations on bonuses in the financial sector.

"It’s a way to regain the trust and reward those who performed and remained faithful to the bank after the financial crisis " said Charles Peabody, analyst at Portales Partners.

This announcement comes at a time when a report indicated that Deutsche Bank paid a larger package to employees of its investment bank arm than Goldman Sachs.

According to data obtained by Bloomberg, the German financial institution set aside enough money during the first nine months of this year to pay on average $ 394,499 to each investment banker. It has to be compared to an average of $ 370,076 dollars for Goldman Sachs.

According to Stefan Krause, chief financial officer of Deutsche Bank, "the market continues to be very competitive and great talents have extra value and price and we can not ignore it. "

Last week, HSBC was about to double the salaries of some of its senior bankers in anticipation of bonus general decline.

Next Finance November 2010

Article also available in : English EN | français FR



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