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The Netherlands issues its first green bond

The Netherlands has issued a green bond at 20 years. This is the first green bond rated AAA in the world. Demand for this issue has reached 21 billion euros.

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The Netherlands is the last sovereign country to issue green bonds, after Poland, France, Belgium and Ireland.

Dutch green bonds will be used to finance renewable energies, energy efficiency, clean transport and adaptation to climate change in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands has allocated 5,985,004,000 euros in bonds at 20 years. The bonds offer a coupon of 0.50%. The Issue Price was 98.89%, representing an issue return of 0.557%. The request reached 21,184,402,000 euros.

The yield on Dutch bonds was at issue a spread of +18 basis points over the July 2040 German Bund.

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Next Finance May 2019

Article also available in : English EN | français FR



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